Tuesday 9 February 2016


Throughout this unit I am exploring the understanding of how make-up and hair design concepts for fashion and beauty are developed from idea conception through to realisation.

Through this, by the end of this unit I should have produced an advertising campaign for a desired beauty brand. I should also produce a beauty editorial piece and create catwalk looks that mimic the trends of Spring/Summer 2016.

Through an employability-focused approach, I will be introduced into diverse roles of a make-up and hair designer across editorial, advertising and fashion areas of the industry.

There will be a number of areas of study that I will be focusing on throughout this unit and they include; the role of a photographer, stylist, fashion designer and make-up and hair designer. I will be producing the idea from initial concept to final execution.

I am most excited to start this project, out of all the units we have previously done, as I feel that it is more current and I feel that I will be more interested in the practical side. I am looking forward in seeing how my ideas grow and how I will produce my final outcomes. I can see this unit being quite challenging in terms of the amount of work, however, I feel that once all the background work is completed and I get into the creative mindset, I will be able to work quickly and hopefully things will just flow.

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