Sunday 24 April 2016

Advanced Plaiting

Dutch Braid
A dutch braid consists of the same method of a french plait but instead of bring the strands on top, you bring the each strand under the middle across to the other side.

Waterfall Braid
This plait consists of leaving a strand out of the plait and grabbing another bit of hair to replace the third strand. This then creates the effect of hair falling out the braid and joining the rest of the hair.

Five Strand Plait
A five strand plait is created by using five strands of hair. To start you take an outside piece and bring it over the next piece and then under the third piece. You then have three strands on one side and then two strands on the other side. You then just repeat the process with the three strands.

Eight Strand Plait
An eight strand plait consists of a five strand plait and then a normal three strand plait. After making a five strand plait, I started to create a normal plait and then with the piece of hair closest to the five strand plait, I looped it into the outside piece of the five strand piece. This created the eight strand plait.

Eleven Strand Plait
An eleven strand plait consists of a five strand plait and two three strand plaits. The process is the same as the eight strand plait with another three strand plait on the other side.

All of the different plaits can be used to create different hairstyles such as an updo. Adding plaits can make a hairstyle more modern and high-fashion.

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