Sunday 24 April 2016

Modern Interpretations of 50s, 60s and 70s

This lesson focused on completing a roller set using the brick-work method. I decided to choose the 60s as my form of inspiration. I started with sectioning the hair in two sections from ear-to-ear. The front section I used the smaller blue rollers to set the hair going backwards to enable me to pull it back into a beehive.
On the bigger section of hair I just sectioned it all using the brickwork method, going backwards. After the hair was set and cooled, I took out the rollers and brushed out the curls. I then backcombed the front section and smoothed it. I then pinned it in a half-up  half-down hairstyle.

Using rollers before completing a hairstyle adds extra volume and a nice curl to the hair.

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