Sunday 24 April 2016

Project Evaluation

Throughout this unit, I feel that I have been given the chance to explore and develop my ideas in terms of beauty on the fashion side, as perviously it has been film and tv. I think that I prefer this unit and I am glad we got to touch on this and I think that you can see this in the final work that I produced.

The unit has enabled me to become more professional as I have had to work on various different models, which lets me build a more professional approach to not only the technical side but as well as the way I handle myself while working.
I have also found that I have overcame my apprehension of asking people to model for me as at the beginning of the unit I struggled to find models but I feel that I have subdued it and managed to acquire different people.

The workload of the project has allowed me to prepare myself for my Final Major Project as I think that the idea of shooting this much as well as finding models and editing all put together resembles the process of producing a Final Major Project. I am positive that there will be twice as much work and effort put it in to create my FMP but I think that this project has been a taster for what we will have to achieve. I am glad I have had the chance to manage multiple tasks at once as I think it has prepared me for my final year.

In terms of my work that I have produced, I am pleased with my final images and the editing. I think that if I had more time I would have considered to reshoot my advertisement look 1 as I feel that the images weren’t as strong because it was the first look that I shot on the day and the model got more comfortable as the day went on, which I feel is quite normal when it comes to shooting. Other than that, I think my images that co-ordinated shows how I have progressed from last year in terms of editing, photography and my skills as a make-up artist and hairstylist. I think that I have grasped the flow of how much background work you need to do to in-order to achieve quality images and to communicate your ideas.

To conclude, I feel that I have managed to showcase my skills and how I have progressed throughout my work. I think that I have become more independent within my work and it has come as a benefit to my work. Although, I do feel that there is always room for improvement and I will ensure that I will take into account the feedback for this unit when I come to producing work in my final year.

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